High Intensity Interval Training for Rotterdam & Schenectady, NY

Average Joe’s Fitness now offers High Intensity Interval Training Classes in the Rotterdam & Schenectady, New York area.

Also known as HIIT, this form of training is an excellent way to lose weight and increase muscle tone.

How HIIT Makes You Look Great

It utilizes a technique where a person engages in maximum effort during a movement, and short periods of rest (which can contain light exercise). Simply put, it turns practitioners into super-efficient calorie burning machines.

Get Stronger and Look Better with Average Joe’s Fitness

Want to give HIIT a try? Average Joe’s Fitness members can do these group exercise classes for free.Set up a tour today if you’re interested in joining our gym and doing more great classes like this.

Contact Us

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Average Joe’s Fitness
90 West Campbell Road
Rotterdam, NY12306
Phone: 518.377.5637


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